DATE: 01/04/2012 to 30/04/2012

Standard Time
“Standard Time is a performance lasting exactly 24 hours and recorded on film.

However, this film is much more than just the recording of an action, the recording of something that has taken place in the past; it is also a clock. A clock for use right now and in the future which, as each day goes by, extends further into the past, but is still up-to-date and punctual.”
– Mark Formanek

Thus Mark Formanek attemps to capture the complexity of this film Standard Time. In collaboration with Datenstrudel, he gathered 70 people, equipped them with hard hats and tool belts, and instructed them to build a 4×12 meters ‘digital’ wooden clock – in real time. In the course of 24 hours the clock is adapted 1611 times. Every minute the sculpture changes, illustrating not only the passage of time, but also showing the workers struggling to have every minute ready on the second. With great dedication they  are wasting their time building up and tearing down the digits to sculpt something as intangible as time and our never-ending attempt to control and manage it. The result is a quirky, fascinating and thought provoking film, which can literally be watched for hours.